program spline_pgplot_main implicit none integer max_tabu, ngrids_max, n_tabu, i, choice integer more_points, ngrids, pgopen parameter (max_tabu = 100, ngrids_max = 2000) real xa(max_tabu), ya(max_tabu), y2a(max_tabu), x, y, delta_x real x_plot(ngrids_max), y_plot(ngrids_max), yp1, ypn real x_min, x_max character*40 filename1 c Ask filename and the number of tabulated points in the file. write(*,*) 'Type in the file name of tabulated values (x,y)' read (*,*) filename1 write(*,*) 'How many points are there in the tabulated set ?' read (*,*) n_tabu if ( stop 'Too many tabulated values, &please recompile the main program with a larger max_tabu.' c Open the file and read in the tabulated values, and write to screen c for double check. open (unit = 20, file = filename1) do i = 1, n_tabu read (20,*) xa(i), ya(i) write(*,*) xa(i), ya(i) end do close (20) c Ask slopes at two ends. (If > 10E30 then natural spline is set.) write(*,*) 'Please type in slopes at bothend (> 10E30 -> y2a=0.' read (*,*) yp1, ypn c Call subroutine spline to solve for y2a array. call spline(xa, ya, n_tabu, yp1, ypn, y2a) c One can choose to type in x one by one or to generte a continuous set c for graph plotting. write(*,*) 'What do you want to do ?' write(*,*)'0:input x, find y ; 1:generate a set of points (x,y)' read (*,*) choice c This part get x one by one. if (choice.eq.0) then 1002 write(*,*) 'Type in your x:' read(*,*) x call splint(xa, ya, y2a, n_tabu, x, y) write(*,*) 'Interpolated value is ', y write(*,*) 'One more point (yes=1;no=0) ?' read (*,*) more_points if (more_points.eq.1) goto 1002 endif c This part generate a set of x. c The resulting (x,y) is written out into a file named by user. if (choice.eq.1) then write(*,*) 'Type your range x_initial and x-final:' read (*,*) x_min, x_max write(*,*) 'How many points do you want to plot ?' read (*,*) ngrids if(ngrids.le.1) stop 'Need at least two grids.' delta_x = ( x_max - x_min ) / (ngrids - 1) do i=1, ngrids x_plot(i) = x_min + (i-1)*delta_x call splint(xa,ya,y2a,n_tabu,x_plot(i),y_plot(i)) end do if ( pgopen('?') .le. 0 ) stop call pgpap(8.0,0.75) call pgenv(0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 20.0, 0, 1) call pgline(ngrids, x_plot, y_plot) call pgpt(n_tabu, xa, ya, 9) call pgclos c write(*,*) 'Plrease give a name to your output file:' c read (*,*) filename1 c open (unit=30, file=filename1) c do i=1,ngrids c write(30,*) x_plot(i), y_plot(i) c end do c close(30) end if end