USTC 2018 第三次作業



1. Try to compute the colour of Sapphire.


二、考慮 core hole 效應,區別鑽石與石墨 在電子能量損失譜 (EELS) 上的不同。

2. Consider core-hole effect, distinguish EELS spectra of diamond and graphite.


三、單層硅烯 (silicine) 無法維持平坦平面 ,試用聲子譜證明之 。又其是否為平面對能帶結構有何影響?

3. Use phonon dispersion to prove single layer silicon can not maintain flat. Whether this affect its band structure ?


四、乙炔 (C2H2) 的紅外譜與拉曼譜有什麼異同?

4. What similarity and difference are there in the of IR and Raman spectra of C2H2.


五、比較 乙醇(CH3CH2OH)與二甲醚(CH3OCH3)質子 NMR 化學遮蔽的差異。

5. Compare the difference in chemical shelding of proton NMR of CH3Ch2OH and CH3OCH3.