108-2 計算物理分組




組長:曹泉 70


劉學文 60:5/21 no-show

6/11 (2.3b) can not connect to google drive from VM firebox, and slow slow slow [X]

江宇鴻 60:5/21 no-show

5/25 (3) [X] (just water coll fast) <no correct> <will explain next time> wait to check whether program OK to produce a result nevertheless

5/28 (3) no-show

白庚生:5/21 no-show

60 6/26 added




組長:吳國義 80 (no show 6/4)


張育婷 70 5/21 (1.B) [X] no further answer than 黃婧淳-5/21

6/11 (2.3b) 1st part OK [O]

張皓旻 60 6/01 (5.b) [X] don't know how to do it.

唐瑋辰 80 5/25 (4) [O] British Scientist Rutherfold....

石庭瑀 60 5/18 (1.B) [X] program error after reading question OK and perform delta t

6./15 no ready need retype



組長:陳怡如 83


黃婧淳 75 5/21 [OX] (1.B) different delta_t gave different grid density, finer the better

6/15 (2.3 b) linear plot , fitted, can explain code, good [O]


柯善原 70 5/18 [O] take the expt data back to the written program. <but how?>

6/15 (2.3 c) explain Q, not clear [X]

傅學麒 opt-out



組長:陳昱甫 83 5/25 (open Q) [add points] least mean square to find (no show 6/1)

6/15 (2.3c) Q fair, modify code, [O]


黃羽萱 70 6/4 (5.b) [X] not yet done

6/15 (2.3b) error vs delta_t, re-do what other groups have done, OK, but fail to explain coode [OX]

謝為濬 60 5/21 (1.B) [X] no further / better answer than 黃婧淳-5/21

6/15 no show

翁思萍 60 5/18 (1.A) [X] empty (based on "experience", "track the result", "test"



組長:林瑋傑 75


陳柏亨 60 6/4 no-show

6/8 (2.3 b) not clear about statements in the question. (missing t=1 min), and don't know how to operate the executable at all [X]

6/15 (2.3c) explain Q. wrong [X]

魏志霖 75 5/18 [add point] there will be error, use mean square difference to measure it.

5/21 (2.A) [O] find r avlue from every time step

6/8 (2.3 b) wrote the code, but ask many irrelavant questions before he can start doing something (no familiar with the question) not smooth [OX]

林昱勳 60 5/18 (1.A) part execution 'what is wrong?' wait untill fullfill expectation [X]

6/4 no-show

6/8 no-show

6/15 (2.3b) no preprare [X]


