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Origin of Life - How Life Started on Earth (³Q YT ²¾°£¥¢®Ä) (New Link) (50 min)


The Whole History of the Earth and Life (66 min)

The mysterious origins of life on Earth - Luka Seamus Wright (5 min)

³æ²Ó­M¥Íª«¦p¦ó®tÂI®ø·À¤F¥þ²y©Ò¦³ªº¥Íª« ¡Ð ¦w¯ÇĬ¨È¡P«Â§Q´µ (4 min)

How Cyanobacteria Took Over The World (12 min)

How Did Life Begin?

A Timeline of Life on Earth: 4 Billion Years of History (36 min)

Where Did Life Come From? (feat. PBS Space Time and Eons!) (14 min)





®ü©³¼ö¬u¡G½è¤l±è«×¡B©¥§É¶Ê¤Æ (¤Æ¾Ç¯à°Ê¤O)

Nick Lane, Energy and the Origin of Life


RNA World ¡G (¦Û§Ú½Æ»s³Ì¦­°_·½©ó®Ö¿}®Ö»Ä)




Nick Lane: Origin of the eukaryotic cell (43 min)







¼v¤ù¡GWhat is Epigenetics? with Nessa Carey ( «e¤­¤ÀÄÁ¨Æ¨Ò¡G¥®¹«¡BÃǸº¡BÆs³½ )




Junk DNA ?




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DNA Era : Eppisode 1 (PBS) DNA Episode 1 of 5: The Secret of Life PBS Documentary

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¯¸¦b Franklin ¥ß³õªº ¼v¤ù

Lies, Thieves and DNA (14 min)

Why discovery of DNA's double helix was based on 'rip-off' of female scientist's data (7 min)

The DNA Double Helix Discovery ¡X HHMI BioInteractive Video (17 min)


The hidden history of DNA - with Gareth Williams (55 min)




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The Physics of Life: How Water Folds Proteins - with Sylvia McLain



On the origins of life: a chemist's perspective (Matt Powner 15 March 2016)

Anna Marie Pyle (Yale U./HHMI) Part 1: RNA Structure

Anna Marie Pyle (Yale U./HHMI) Part 2: Inside an RNA Splicing Machine

RNA Self-assembly: Cooperation at the Origins of Life | Niles Lehman


Nick Lane ºtÁ¿¡]¥Í©Rªº°_·½¡^(from Youtube)

Michael Russel: On the Emergence of Life Through "Negative" Entropy Trapping

Why is life the way it is? Michael Faraday Prize Lecture - Dr Nick Lane

Why is Life the Way it Is? with Nick Lane

SFI Community Event - Nick Lane


Copy Number Variation

Copy number variation and the secret of life - with Aoife McLysaght


What is Life ?

What is life?

The Great Debate - What is Life?





DNA --> RNA --> Protein ªº¹Lµ{

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