program styrofoam_k implicit none integer i,i_count,pgopen,ik,k_steps,i_color,i_current,ik_best real time_expt(20),position_expt(20),mass,g,t_min,t_max,y_min parameter (mass = 2.54, g = -9.8) real time,y,v,dt,k_ini,k_final,dk,F_k,F_k_min,y_max real a,a_mid,v_mid,y_new,time_new,k,y_interp,k_best write(*,*) 'Please input initial k and final k, and steps:' read(*,*) k_ini, k_final, k_steps open (unit=10,file='styrofoam.txt',status='old',err=100) i_count = 0 write(*,*) 'The experimental time and positions:' do i=1,20 read (10,*,end=200) time_expt(i), position_expt(i) position_expt(i) = -1*position_expt(i) write(*,*) time_expt(i), position_expt(i) i_count = i_count + 1 end do write(*,*) 200 close (10) C Plot experimental curve y_min = position_expt(i_count) y_max = position_expt(1) t_min = time_expt(1) t_max = time_expt(i_count) if (pgopen('/xwin').le.0) stop call pgpap (7.0,0.75) call pgenv (t_min,t_max,y_min,y_max,0,0) call pglab ('Time','Hight','Determine resistance of air, k') call pgpt (i_count,time_expt,position_expt,9) dt = 0.0001 c outer-most k-loop dk = (k_final-k_ini)/k_steps do 1000 ik=1,k_steps i_color = mod(ik,15) call pgsci(i_color) k = k_ini + ik*dk c Start simulated curve time = t_min i_current = 1 v = 0.0 y = position_expt(1) F_k = 0.0 do while (time .lt. time_expt(i_count)) a = g + k*v*v c a = g + k*(-1)*v v_mid = v + a*(0.5)*dt a_mid = g + k*v_mid*v_mid c a_mid = g + k*(-1)*v_mid v = v + a_mid*dt y_new = y + v_mid*dt time_new = time + dt if ( then i_current = i_current + 1 call interpolate(time,y,time_new,y_new,time_expt(i_current), & y_interp) F_k = F_k + ( y_interp - position_expt(i_current) )**2 endif time = time_new y = y_new call pgpt (1,time,y,-1) end do write(*,*) 'F(k) = F(',k,')=',F_k if (ik.eq.1) then F_k_min = F_k k_best = k ik_best = ik end if if ( then F_k_min = F_k k_best = k ik_best = ik end if 1000 continue if ( (ik_best.eq.1) .or. (ik_best.eq.k_steps) ) then write (*,*) write (*,*) 'Warning, no F(k) minimum is found in this k range!' write (*,*) else write (*,*) write (*,*) 'This best k is', k_best write (*,*) end if call pgclos 100 stop end subroutine interpolate(x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y) real x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y, slope slope = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) y = slope*(x-x1) + y1 end