program gauss_main2

integer n, np, m, mp, i
parameter (np=10, mp=20)
real a(np,np), b(np,mp)
character*40 filename1, filename2

write (*,*)'Please tell me the dimension n of the matrix A(n,n):'
read (*,*) n
if ( stop 'n can not be larger than np'
write (*,*) 'Please give the size m of the augmented b(n,m):'
read (*,*) m
if ( stop 'm can not be larger than mp'

write (*,*) 'Please give the file name that contains A :'
read (*,*) filename1
write (*,*) 'Please give the file name that contains b :'
read (*,*) filename2

open (unit=20, file=filename1)
do i=1,n
 read (20,*) ( a(i,j), j=1,n )

open (unit=20, file=filename2)
do i=1,n
 read (20,*) ( b(i,j), j=1,m )

call gaussj(a,n,np,b,m,mp)

write(*,*) 'The inverse matrix is :'
do i=1,n
 write (*,*) ( a(i,j), j=1,n )
write (*,*)
write (*,*) 'and the solution matrix is :'
do i=1,n
 write (*,*) ( b(i,j), j=1,m )


program lu_main

integer n, np, m, i
parameter (np=10)
real a(np,np), b(np), d, det
integer indx(np)
character*40 filename1, filename2

write (*,*)'Please tell me the dimension n of the matrix A(n,n):'
read (*,*) n

write (*,*) 'Please give the file name that contains A :'
read (*,*) filename1

open (unit=20, file=filename1)
do i=1,n
 read (20,*) ( a(i,j), j=1,n )

write (*,*) 'Please give the file name that contains b :'
read (*,*) filename2

open (unit=20, file=filename2)
do i=1,n
 read (20,*) b(i)

call ludcmp(a,n,np,indx,d)

call lubksb(a,n,np,indx,b)

write (*,*) 'The solution matrix is :'
do i=1,n
 write (*,*) b(i)

det = 1.0
do i=1,n
 det = det * a(i,i)
end do
det = d * det
write(*,*) 'The determinant is', det


program polint_main

c In subroutine polint, array declaration is used for xa(n) and ya(n),
c for this we need to reclare larger or equal size xa(n) and ya(n) in
c this main program. As for NMAX and c(NAMX) and d(NAMX) in that routine,
c they are taken care locally in that routine alreay with specific size
c (parameter) given when declaring array, therefore we don't need to deal
c with that.

implicit none
integer max_tabu, ngrids_max, n_tabu, m, i, j, k, choice
integer k1, k2, more_points, ngrids
parameter (max_tabu = 100, ngrids_max = 2000)
real xa(max_tabu), ya(max_tabu), x, y, dy, delta_x
real x_plot(ngrids_max), y_plot(ngrids_max),dy_plot(ngrids_max)
real x_min, x_max
character*40 filename1

c Ask filename and the number of tabulated points in the file.

write(*,*) 'Type in the file name of tabulated values (x,y)'
read (*,*) filename1
write(*,*) 'How many points are there in the tabulated set ?'
read (*,*) n_tabu

   if ( stop 'Too many tabulated values,
  & please recompile the main program with a larger max_tabu.'

c Open the file and read in the tabulated values, and write to screen
c for double check.

open (unit = 20, file = filename1)

do i = 1, n_tabu
 read (20,*) xa(i), ya(i)
write(*,*) xa(i), ya(i)
end do

close (20)

c Ask the order of polynomial to be usedfor interpolation, not higher
c than 10.

1000 continue

write(*,*) 'How many points do you want to form polynomial ?'
write(*,*) 'For eample, 2 points mean linear interpolation.'
read (*,*) m

if ( then
 write(*,*) 'Waring : Neumarial Recipe default max is 10.'
 write(*,*) 'Please decress your value or set a bigger NMAX'
 write(*,*) 'in the subroutine polint.'
 write(*,*) 'Your choice (0 : exit) or (1: input again).'
 read (*,*) choice
 if (choice.eq.0) stop 'Terminaed by user.'
 if (choice.eq.1) goto 1000
 goto 1000

c One can choose to type in x one by one or to generte a continuous set
c for graph plotting.

write(*,*) 'What do you want to do ?'
write(*,*)'0:input x, find y ; 1:generate a set of points (x,y)'
read (*,*) choice

c This part get x one by one, using "locate" to find the right interval.

if (choice.eq.0) then

1002 write(*,*) 'Type in your x:'

read(*,*) x
call locate (xa, n_tabu, x, j)
k = min( max(j-(m-1)/2,1) , n_tabu+1-m )
call polint(xa(k), ya(k), m, x, y, dy)
write(*,*) 'Interpolated value is ', y, ', error is ', dy
write(*,*) 'One more point (yes=1;no=0) ?'
read (*,*) more_points
if (more_points.eq.1) goto 1002

c This part generate a set of x, using "hunt" to find the right interval.
c The resulting (x,y) is written out into a file named by user.

if (choice.eq.1) then

write(*,*) 'Type your range x_initial and x-final:'
read (*,*) x_min, x_max
write(*,*) 'How many points do you want to plot ?'
read (*,*) ngrids
if(ngrids.le.1) stop 'Need at least two grids.'

delta_x = ( x_max - x_min ) / (ngrids - 1)
j = 1
do i=1, ngrids
 x = x_min + (i-1)*delta_x
 call hunt(xa, n_tabu, x, j)
 k = min( max(j-(m-1)/2,1) , n_tabu+1-m )
 x_plot(i) = x
 write(*,*) 'x is ',x_plot(i),' j is ',j,' k is',k
 call polint(xa(k),ya(k),m,x_plot(i),y_plot(i),dy_plot(i))
end do

write(*,*) 'Plrease give a name to your output file:'
read (*,*) filename1
open (unit=30, file=filename1)
do i=1,ngrids
 write(30,*) x_plot(i), y_plot(i)
end do

write(*,*) 'Info: Error estimate will be written into file
open (unit=40, file='error.dat')
do i=1,ngrids
 write(40,*) x_plot(i), dy_plot(i)
end do

end if


program spline_main

implicit none
integer max_tabu, ngrids_max, n_tabu, i, choice
integer more_points, ngrids
parameter (max_tabu = 100, ngrids_max = 2000)
real xa(max_tabu), ya(max_tabu), y2a(max_tabu), x, y, delta_x
real x_plot(ngrids_max), y_plot(ngrids_max), yp1, ypn
real x_min, x_max
character*40 filename1

c Ask filename and the number of tabulated points in the file.

write(*,*) 'Type in the file name of tabulated values (x,y)'
read (*,*) filename1
write(*,*) 'How many points are there in the tabulated set ?'
read (*,*) n_tabu

    if ( stop 'Too many tabulated values,
  & please recompile the main program with a larger max_tabu.'

c Open the file and read in the tabulated values, and write to screen
c for double check. open (unit = 20, file = filename1)

do i = 1, n_tabu
 read (20,*) xa(i), ya(i)
 write(*,*) xa(i), ya(i)
end do

close (20)

c Ask slopes at two ends. (If > 10E30 then natural spline is set.)

write(*,*) 'Please type in slopes at bothend (> 10E30 -> y2a=0.'
read (*,*) yp1, ypn

c Call subroutine spline to solve for y2a array.

call spline(xa, ya, n_tabu, yp1, ypn, y2a)

c One can choose to type in x one by one or to generte a continuous set
c for graph plotting.

write(*,*) 'What do you want to do ?'
write(*,*)'0:input x, find y ; 1:generate a set of points (x,y)'
read (*,*) choice

c This part get x one by one.

if (choice.eq.0) then

1002  write(*,*) 'Type in your x:'

 read(*,*) x
 call splint(xa, ya, y2a, n_tabu, x, y)
 write(*,*) 'Interpolated value is ', y
 write(*,*) 'One more point (yes=1;no=0) ?'
 read (*,*) more_points
 if (more_points.eq.1) goto 1002

c This part generate a set of x.
c The resulting (x,y) is written out into a file named by user.

if (choice.eq.1) then

write(*,*) 'Type your range x_initial and x-final:'
read (*,*) x_min, x_max
write(*,*) 'How many points do you want to plot ?'
read (*,*) ngrids
if (ngrids.le.1) stop 'Need at least two grids.'

delta_x = ( x_max - x_min ) / (ngrids - 1)
do i=1, ngrids
 x_plot(i) = x_min + (i-1)*delta_x
 call splint(xa,ya,y2a,n_tabu,x_plot(i),y_plot(i))
end do

write(*,*) 'Plrease give a name to your output file:'
read (*,*) filename1
open (unit=30, file=filename1)
do i=1,ngrids
 write(30,*) x_plot(i), y_plot(i)
end do

end if


program polint_pgplot

integer ntab_max, nplot_max
parameter (ntab_max = 20, nplot_max = 200)
real x_tab(ntab_max), y_tab(ntab_max), x_min, x_max, delta_x
real x_plot(nplot_max), y_plot(nplot_max), dy_plot(nplot_max)
integer ntab, i, nplot, m, j, pgopen
character*40 filename1

write(*,*)'Please tell me the number of tabulated values:'
read(*,*) ntab

write(*,*) 'Which filename contains the tabulated value ?'
read(*,*) filename1

open(unit=10, file=filename1)
do i=1,ntab
 read(10,*) x_tab(i), y_tab(i)
end do

write(*,*) 'Type in min and max of x:'
read(*,*) x_min, x_max

write(*,*) 'How many points to draw ?'
read(*,*) nplot

write(*,*) 'How many point to form polynomial ?'
read(*,*) m

delta_x = (x_max - x_min) / (nplot - 1)

do i=1, nplot
 x_plot(i) = x_min + (i-1) * delta_x
 call hunt(x_tab,ntab,x_plot(i),j)
 k = min( max(j-(m-1)/2,1) , ntab+1-m )
 call polint(x_tab(k), y_tab(k), m, x_plot(i), y_plot(i),
& dy_plot(i))
end do

do i=1,nplot,10
 write(*,*) 'x_plot and y_plot,', x_plot(i), y_plot(i)
end do

if ( pgopen('?') .le. 0 ) stop
call pgenv(2.0, 6.0, 0.0, 40.0, 0, 1)
call pgline(nplot, x_plot, y_plot)
call pgpt(ntab, x_tab, y_tab, 9)
call pgclos


program lu_inverse_main

implicit none
integer n, np, m, i, j, k
parameter (np=10)
real a(np,np), b(np), d, det
real a_inv(np,np), a_ori(np,np), aainv(np,np)
integer indx(np)
character*40 filename1, filename2

write (*,*)'Please tell me the dimension n of the matrix A(n,n):'
read (*,*) n

write (*,*) 'Please give the file name that contains A :'
read (*,*) filename1

open (unit=20, file=filename1)
do i=1,n
 read (20,*) ( a(i,j), j=1,n )

write (*,*) 'Please give the file name that contains b :'
read (*,*) filename2

open (unit=20, file=filename2)
do i=1,n
 read (20,*) b(i)

call ludcmp(a,n,np,indx,d)

call lubksb(a,n,np,indx,b)

write (*,*) 'The solution matrix is :'
do i=1,n
 write (*,*) b(i)

det = 1.0
do i=1,n
 det = det * a(i,i)
end do
det = d*det
write(*,*) 'The determinant is', det

c Calculate inverse of the matrix

do j=1,n
 do i=1,n
  b(i) = 0.0
 end do
 b(j) = 1.0
 call lubksb(a,n,np,indx,b)
 do i=1,n
  a_inv(i,j) = b(i)
 end do
end do
write(*,*) 'The inverse is'
do i=1,n
 write(*,*) ( a_inv(i,j), j=1,n )
end do

c Double check whether A*A_inv=I.

open (unit=20, file=filename1)
do i=1,n
 read (20,*) ( a_ori(i,j), j=1,n )

do j=1,n
 do i=1,n
  aainv(i,j) = 0.0
  do k=1,n
   aainv(i,j) = aainv(i,j) + a_ori(i,k)*a_inv(k,j)
  end do
 end do
end do
write(*,*) 'Check A*A_inv result ...'
do i=1,n
 write(*,*) ( aainv(i,j), j=1,n )
end do


program spline_pgplot_main

implicit none
integer max_tabu, ngrids_max, n_tabu, i, choice
integer more_points, ngrids, pgopen
parameter (max_tabu = 100, ngrids_max = 2000)
real xa(max_tabu), ya(max_tabu), y2a(max_tabu), x, y, delta_x
real x_plot(ngrids_max), y_plot(ngrids_max), yp1, ypn
real x_min, x_max
character*40 filename1

c Ask filename and the number of tabulated points in the file.

write(*,*) 'Type in the file name of tabulated values (x,y)'
read (*,*) filename1
write(*,*) 'How many points are there in the tabulated set ?'
read (*,*) n_tabu

   if ( stop 'Too many tabulated values,
  & please recompile the main program with a larger max_tabu.'

c Open the file and read in the tabulated values, and write to screen
c for double check.

open (unit = 20, file = filename1)

do i = 1, n_tabu
 read (20,*) xa(i), ya(i)
 write(*,*) xa(i), ya(i)
end do

close (20)

c Ask slopes at two ends. (If > 10E30 then natural spline is set.)

write(*,*) 'Please type in slopes at bothend (> 10E30 -> y2a=0.'
read (*,*) yp1, ypn

c Call subroutine spline to solve for y2a array.

call spline(xa, ya, n_tabu, yp1, ypn, y2a)

c One can choose to type in x one by one or to generte a continuous set
c for graph plotting.

write(*,*) 'What do you want to do ?'
write(*,*)'0:input x, find y ; 1:generate a set of points (x,y)'
read (*,*) choice

c This part get x one by one.

if (choice.eq.0) then

1002  write(*,*) 'Type in your x:'

 read(*,*) x
 call splint(xa, ya, y2a, n_tabu, x, y)
 write(*,*) 'Interpolated value is ', y
 write(*,*) 'One more point (yes=1;no=0) ?'
 read (*,*) more_points
 if (more_points.eq.1) goto 1002

c This part generate a set of x.
c The resulting (x,y) is written out into a file named by user.

if (choice.eq.1) then

 write(*,*) 'Type your range x_initial and x-final:'
 read (*,*) x_min, x_max
 write(*,*) 'How many points do you want to plot ?'
 read (*,*) ngrids
 if(ngrids.le.1) stop 'Need at least two grids.'

 delta_x = ( x_max - x_min ) / (ngrids - 1)
 do i=1, ngrids
  x_plot(i) = x_min + (i-1)*delta_x
  call splint(xa,ya,y2a,n_tabu,x_plot(i),y_plot(i))
 end do

 if ( pgopen('?') .le. 0 ) stop
 call pgpap(8.0,0.75)
 call pgenv(0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 20.0, 0, 1)
 call pgline(ngrids, x_plot, y_plot)
 call pgpt(n_tabu, xa, ya, 9)
 call pgclos

c    write(*,*) 'Plrease give a name to your output file:'
c    read (*,*) filename1
c    open (unit=30, file=filename1)
c    do i=1,ngrids
c     write(30,*) x_plot(i), y_plot(i)
c    end do
c    close(30)

end if
